Nature Corner

Nature Corner is a delightful program where children learn about animals. It was produced by Bob Devine for his morning radio program on WCRF in Cleveland, Ohio from the 1960’s into the 1990’s. Each episode is a 10-minute dialog between Bob and a part of God’s creation. Let your pre-school and grade-school age children meet Barry the Barracuda, Isaac the Ice Fish, Lester the Lungfish, Lenny Lens and all the other 490 characters, each describing how they have been specially designed by God. In the Nature Corner segments, Uncle Bob conducts educational interviews with various wonders of science (including Bruce the Barn Owl, Mr. Kidney and Aunt Arctica), all of whom sound suspiciously like Bob disguising his voice. The program airs daily on LifeTalk Kids. Check the kids program schedule for your time zone.