Evolutionary theory, with its godless worldview, has been poisoning young minds for decades. In public educational institutions around the country, children and youth are taught that evolution is FACT with no mention of any alternative views including the Biblical perspective of creation held by many Christians. Evolution seeks to dislodge God from His rightful place as our Creator and Sustainer. In a world bombarded by false messages about origins, Creation Moments provides accurate, up-to-date information about new discoveries in God’s creation and how they relate to the Bible. Creation Moments exists to glorify God by presenting scientific evidence for the literal truth of the Bible.
Here is a daily two-minute radio broadcast which features a scientific fact of nature that points to deliberate design, not evolutionary chance. It underscores the reliability of Scripture. Creation Moments is committed to promote, teach and study creationism theories and the truth of divine creation as revealed in the Bible. This program is sure to spark your thinking and enlighten the world to the wonder and the truth of God’s marvelous creation. Creation Moments airs twice a day every Monday through Friday on the LifeTalk Radio Network. Discover a complete program schedule for your time zone at: lifetalk.net/program-schedule. Listen to this and other great programs on our FREE APP. Download it at: lifetalk.net/connect