Brave Hearted Woman – Part 2

Brave Hearted Woman – Part 2

Fritz is found in the garbage pit, of all places. During Arts-n-Crafts we look at a worm lab. Then we thoroughly unpack first-grade benchmarks for reading. We answer a question about standardized testing. Next, we go to Part 2 of our interview with

Fritz is found in the garbage pit, of all places. During Arts-n-Crafts we look at a worm lab. Then we thoroughly unpack first-grade benchmarks for reading. We answer a question about standardized testing. Next, we go to Part 2 of our interview with Dawn Damon. She helps women find the courage to believe in themselves and their dreams, so they can rise with confidence, get a clear and vivid vision for their life, and live life of beautiful design instead of a life of pain and default. Read Less