Children are Like Arrows – Part 1

Children are Like Arrows – Part 1

As we think about Psalms 127 and the last verse that tells us that _children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior_ it gives us courage to see our children as God sees them. And then transitioning to our experiential learning section

As we think about Psalms 127 and the last verse that tells us that _children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior_ it gives us courage to see our children as God sees them. And then transitioning to our experiential learning section (Arts-n-Crafts) we help our children make a bow and arrow with popsicle sticks. In Curriculum Corner we discuss the verbal gender differences and provide strategies for teaching the male mind. Then we go to our interview with Tammy Largin and her book Children are like Arrows in the hands of a Warrior. She shares with us some of the ways to embrace God_s love for yourself so you can help your children find His love and grow their faith. Read Less