The Chosen Season – Part 1
We are reading the book, Little Mango in a Big World. The story is an analogy about displacement of children. The illustrator is a refuge boy from South Sudan. We talked about making a sculpture from a mango seed. After answering a few parent
We are reading the book, Little Mango in a Big World. The story is an analogy about displacement of children. The illustrator is a refuge boy from South Sudan. We talked about making a sculpture from a mango seed. After answering a few parent questions, we turned our attention to our interview with Katherine Warnock. When Katherine Warnock was head of family and content at MGM she was used to pilots and pitches coming across her desk. Typically, she said, she would watch the first few seconds _because you just know what you have and you know what you_re looking for._ Besure a listen to part 2 of our interview to hear the rest of the story. Read Less