Amazing Health Breakthrough with Dr. John Scharffenberg
Today on Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guest is physician and nutritionist, Dr. John Scharffenberg, MD, MPH. Dr. Scharffenberg is a Professor of Nutrition at Loma Linda University School of Public Health. Dr. Scharffenberg
Today on Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guest is physician and nutritionist, Dr. John Scharffenberg, MD, MPH. Dr. Scharffenberg is a Professor of Nutrition at Loma Linda University School of Public Health. Dr. Scharffenberg discusses a major amazing breakthrough in the world of health as it relates to your health and longevity. Dr. Scharffenberg will be 100 years old in December with a long distinguished career in the nutrition and health field. Dr. Westerdahl will be presenting a Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Scharffenberg on Sunday, October 22, 2023 for his years of service at the free AMAZING HEALTH EXPO at the Granite Bay Hilltop Seventh-day Adventist Church in Granite Bay, California located in the Sacramento area. For more information about this FREE AMAZING HEALTH EXPO and to register visit www.GraniteBaySDA.org_Health Read Less