About the Show
Sit back and discover adventures, remote people groups and fascinating cultures. Listen to stories of hope for the unreached as dedicated frontier missionaries tell of their personal encounters, their challenges, their joys and tears as they share the love of God in distant lands. This 15 minute weekly broadcast brings exciting stories from individuals and families involved in mission ministry around the world. You will hear how the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is reaching distant areas of the world that have never heard about Jesus. Frontier Mission Journal airs every Saturday afternoon on the LifeTalk Radio network.
Frontier Mission Journal is produced by Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. an organization which seeks to share the Gospel with the hardest to reach people in the world. The ministry’s sole purpose is to hasten the coming of Jesus by giving unreached people the opportunity to know Him and become His disciples. Who are the unreached? They are people groups, often isolated behind barriers of geography, language and prejudice, who have no access to Gospel truth because there is no viable Christian presence among them. There are nearly 7,000 unreached people groups representing more than 2 billion people. Every day, thousands of people die without any knowledge of Christ or the salvation He gave His life to purchase for them. The unreached are waiting for someone to tell them. God’s instructions are clear: His people must take the everlasting Gospel to every nation, tribe, language and people (Revelation 14:6). Then the end will come.
Adventist Frontier Missions was incorporated in 1985 and launched its first missionary family in 1987. Today dozens of missionaries and missionary families are serving across the globe. AFM has also created an expanded missionary training program that offers future missionaries the necessary training to effectively reach the unreached peoples among all major religions around the world. Discover more at: afmonline.org