DMSO in Health and Medicine

DMSO in Health and Medicine

Today on Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guest is Archie Scott, a DMSO expert, chemist, and author. Archie Scott is recognized as a leading expert and educator on the topic of Dimethyl sulfoxide, commonly known as DMSO. DMSO

Today on Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guest is Archie Scott, a DMSO expert, chemist, and author. Archie Scott is recognized as a leading expert and educator on the topic of Dimethyl sulfoxide, commonly known as DMSO. DMSO is a popular compound used both externally and internally as a treatment for numerous health conditions. It has been used for relief of arthritis, pain, burns and injuries. Mr. Scott discusses DMSO and its possible medical applications. He is author of the book, The DMSO Handbook for Doctors. Read Less