Kathy’s Kids Storytime features engaging stories promoting Christian values. The podcast is produced by the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is recorded by Kathy Russell an elementary school teacher for 30 years. She offers children an experience with Jesus through story form. Kathy shares, “This isn’t my regular job, but I feel called to read these stories. I want kids to know Jesus loves them.” Kathy’s Kids Storytime was launched in January 2018 to fill a void in Christian kids’ programming. Today these stories are enjoyed by a larger audience than just the members of the Carolina Conference. Listeners hail from six continents and number in the thousands. Kathy’s Kids Storytime has been downloaded nearly half a million times and can be found on all major podcasting outlets. The program streams daily on LifeTalkKids.net. Check the kids program schedule for your time zone at: lifetalkkids.net/kids-program-schedule. Or listen on our FREE LifeTalk App available at: lifetalk.net/connect.