My Daddy’s Handbook – Part 1
Today_s show begins with a talk about Plankton. I never knew there were so many different plankton. During our Arts-n-Crafts time we discuss the various looking plankton and how we can make models of them with clay, pipe cleaners, and other supplies
Today_s show begins with a talk about Plankton. I never knew there were so many different plankton. During our Arts-n-Crafts time we discuss the various looking plankton and how we can make models of them with clay, pipe cleaners, and other supplies found around the house. During our curriculum corner we discuss what to do when you want to take your high schooled student out of public school. Then we segue into our interview with Regina Ross about her book, My Daddy_s Handbook. Do you remember the funny little quirky moments that you shared with your dad or the one that stands in for your dad? You know the cute little stories of how you and your dad hung out and sometimes things went a little off track while others were absolutely magical? Well, My Daddy's Handbook embraces those memories that we all have. Read Less