A Better Way To Live

Join Pastor Shawn Boonstra every day for a few minutes and gain greater spiritual depth as you discover timeless insights on, A Better Way to Live. This daily devotional program is designed to help you dig a little deeper into Scripture, connect with Jesus Christ, and gain a greater understanding of God.

Shawn Boonstra has been a pastor and church administrator. He has spent most of his career in media ministry and outreach evangelism. He is a popular speaker and has conducted more than a hundred worldwide public evangelistic series and authored numerous books. His broadcasts and books have been a source of inspiration around the globe, and over the years, his live events have been presented on every continent except Antarctica.

Today Shawn is the speaker/director of the Voice of Prophecy ministry and host of the weekly show, Authentic the flagship program for Voice of Prophecy. Prior to his current post, he was the speaker/director for the It Is Written television ministry in Canada and later became speaker/director for It Is Written International. It was during this time Shawn recorded the popular, A Better Way to Live series. This innovative and dynamic program aims to pack a lot of content into a short time. Shawn has a unique way of taking challenging Bible texts and difficult subjects and making them easy to grasp for the every day listener.

A Better Way to Live airs every morning (Monday through Friday) on the LifeTalk Radio network. Discover a complete program schedule for your time zone at: lifetalk.net/program-schedule. This program is also available as an on-demand podcast so you can listen any time to one or more of these powerful but short daily devotional programs at: lifetalk.net/podcast-lineup. Listen to this and other great programs on our FREE APP. Download it at: lifetalk.net/connect.