Kids Grow Better with Radio

Kids need never be bored! Just point them to LifeTalk Kids and let them listen to great adventures, faith-building Bible stories, captivating science and awesome nature programs and more. Research shows that excessive TV viewing causes kids to have trouble paying attention and thinking clearly. But when they read or listen to audio content their imagination is actively engaged. So fuel their imagination! LifeTalk Radio offers a host of excellent programs designed to help kids develop their brain. Help them listen and learn by encouraging them to tune to

Building character for now and for eternity is what LifeTalk Kids is all about. Discover great programs like: Awesome Science, Discovery Mountain, Your Story Hour, Adventures in Odyssey, Lamplighter Theatre, Pathways of the Pioneers, Sailor Sam, The Bible in Living Sound and more. Kids grow better with radio! Engage their curiosity. LifeTalk Kids offers stellar educational and entertaining programs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Listen online at: Check out the kids program schedule. Or download and listen on our handy FREE LifeTalk Radio App. Encourage kids of all ages to learn and have fun at:

Remember LifeTalk has free sharing cards and stickers for kids to pass along to friends. Order free cards at: