Revolutionary Conversations: Tools Needed For Good Health and Success

Revolutionary Conversations: Tools Needed For Good Health and Success

Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guest is Barbara Gaughen-Muller, President of the United Nations Association of the USA for the Santa Barbara, California Chapter and Author of Revolutionary Conversations: The Tools You Need For

Health & Longevity, Dr. John Westerdahl's featured guest is Barbara Gaughen-Muller, President of the United Nations Association of the USA for the Santa Barbara, California Chapter and Author of Revolutionary Conversations: The Tools You Need For The Success You Want. Barbara Gaughen-Muller discusses why communication is so important for good health, can contribute to a long, healthy life, and how to have productive, respectful and valuable conversations. Her easy to remember, step-by-step approach will help you express your thoughts and ideas, and make sure that what you want to say is heard in a way that opens up a true conversation with family, friends, and especially with your doctor. Read Less