Thunder in the Holy Land – Part 1

Thunder in the Holy Land – Part 1

A Mess of Poems from Randy Fishell's book, The Good Humor Guy, is a nice change of pace. During our Arts-n-Craft section we continue with the poetry theme. Then we go to the serious discussion of how to show our children_students that we love them.

A Mess of Poems from Randy Fishell's book, The Good Humor Guy, is a nice change of pace. During our Arts-n-Craft section we continue with the poetry theme. Then we go to the serious discussion of how to show our children_students that we love them. The second half of the show introduces our guest, Pastor Charles Byrd. In his desire to bring the story of Jesus to life, he took a number of young people to the Holy Land and did a Bible study at the actual site of the Bible story. Read Less