Giving Tuesday is December 3

It happens every year—an annual celebration of generosity featuring YOU our faithful partners and supporters. Giving Tuesday occurs every November. It’s an annual day of giving, held each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. (Click the photo below to watch the video.) Giving Tuesday is a global movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity. It’s all about people helping people. The goal of Giving Tuesday is to inspire generosity with a mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life. Giving Tuesday is a day set aside to encourage making donations to support non-profit organizations. But it’s more. It is also about making someone smile, helping a neighbor or giving some of what we have to those in need. Every act of generosity matters. And everyone has something to give. Please consider making a generous gift to support the global outreach of this radio ministry. Help keep LifeTalk on the air and connecting people with Christ. Give now, click the “donate” button above, or click on the “Giving Tuesday” photo and participate in this global event.

You may wonder whether your giving makes a difference. Let me share a short story sent from one of our affiliate stations. “We have a listener from the Indian reservation whose 23-year-old son died this year, for unknown reasons. The depression was so deep and overcoming for this father. One day he decided to end his life. He put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. But the gun did not go off. Right then, he knew that there must have been a reason. He said he heard LifeTalk come on the radio, and he knew God saved his life. So, he started coming to church. He said, he collects what he needs for expenses and gives the rest to the radio station, so that others may hear LifeTalk and know God.” This is just one story about a single listener. But similar stories are duplicated in many lives around the world as other individuals are encouraged and connect with Christ through LifeTalk Radio.

Thank you so much for your gifts to LifeTalk Radio. Your support of this radio ministry is a significant way you participate in sharing the Good News with millions. Your gifts do make a difference in the lives of others. Many on our planet are lonely or suffering. They need hope and encouragement. For them, LifeTalk Radio serves as a daily companion bringing spiritual joy into their lives and connecting them with Christ. Please consider giving on Giving Tuesday.

Watch our short video about Giving Tuesday.