Reversing Diabetes Through Diet – Dr. John Gobble and Chef Mark Reinfeld
This week, Dr. John Westerdahl's special guests are Dr. John Gobble and Chef Mark Reinfeld, as the discuss how to prevent, successfully treat, and potentially ever reverse Type 2 Diabetes through a healthy whole food, plant-based diet program that
This week, Dr. John Westerdahl's special guests are Dr. John Gobble and Chef Mark Reinfeld, as the discuss how to prevent, successfully treat, and potentially ever reverse Type 2 Diabetes through a healthy whole food, plant-based diet program that they have developed. Learn how Type 2 Diabetes can often be reversed successfully by making healthy big changes in your diet without the use of drugs or medications. Dr. Gobble and Chef Reinfeld had developed an exciting new online Diabetes program that one can take right on their laptop in the privacy of their own home. Taught by Dr. Gobble, Chef Reinfeld, and their team. This special online program called "Change Your Plate, Change Your Fate - Eating Your Way To Diabetes Remission", will begin on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. To learn more about this unique Diabetes program, listen to this special broadcast of Health & Longevity, and visit Read Less